Friday, June 01, 2007


Yuriy Sivers said...

This is so you man!

Clean it up a lil and it will make an awesome logo.

How are things anyway?

[B]ehram said...

clean it up? dude this just for fun. Things are good so far everything is going according to plan.
How is work? You still want that video or I can clear it?

ben said...

hey b, what's new? just wondering how your summer is going.

[B]ehram said...

summer is fine ben. So far according to plan. how's your summer without chalky?

Yuriy Sivers said...

Halifax is going good...
Please keep that video for now.
I'll think of a way to get it from you.

P.S: I lost your e-mail adress...
Send me an e-mail when you have a chance.

Chris Thompson said...

lol B nice sketch of yourself. and like yuriy said if you clean it up it would most certainly make a great logo so don't be lazy and clean it up anyway.